Neil Nedley, M.D. is founder and medical director of the community-based and residential Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Programs™. Dr. Nedley is an award-winning practicing physician who also serves as president of Weimar Institute. He has presented and published numerous scientific studies in the medical literature and is well known as an international public speaker and teacher.He is author of Proof Positive, Depression: the Way Out, The Lost Art of Thinking, and Optimize Your Brain. He hosts the annual Emotional Intelligence Summit with global speakers and participants. He currently is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Medicine at Loma Linda University and serves on the constituency of Loma Linda University and the Corporate Board of Andrews University. Dr. Nedley and his wife Erica have four sons. He enjoys hiking in nature with his family, piloting his own aircraft, snow skiing, and listening to sacred and classical music. Nothing is as enjoyable to Dr. Nedley, however, as helping people from the depths of depression and anxiety to the pinnacle of success and fulfillment.
And On Another Note: I invite you to pray with me for those in our congregation, community, and elsewhere, who will be losing their jobs because of the vaccine mandates by our Governor. These are hard times and people are making hard decisions. I invite you to pray with me that they would be led by the Holy Spirit and would be under God’s peace with their decision. It really doesn’t matter to me if you or I agree with them or we do not, if they are under conviction, they need our support in prayer.
The heartbeat of my last three messages is learning to have the mind of Christ and getting through conflict TOGETHER. These are hard times and we need fellowship with each other regardless of whether or not we agree together.
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Thank you to everyone who is willing and able to abide by the current mask mandates as outlines by the state. We are doing our best to abide by the regulations we are able to follow. Please be reminded that masks to do not limit our ability to sing, to worship, to gather together as a church.
Hebrews 10:23–25 (NIV)
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Every morning a group of our members and friends gather for prayer for 30 minutes. There are two times – 6:00-6:30 or 7:00-7:30. We read for about 5 minutes from the book “Ye Shall Receive Power” a devotional book put together of writings from Ellen White. Then we pray. We have seen miracles happen, we have supported people through tough times, we have prayed over COVID related church and people issues and we have sought God to fill us with the Holy Spirit. You are invited to join us each morning by simply calling the phone number: 360-552-7004.
We are in the process of hiring a new office manager. If you, or someone you know wants to apply, simply click on the link and apply. A decision will be made some time in September. Click Here
ALSO, we are also looking for volunteers in the office to help supplement the needs int he office, if you are interested,CLICK HERE
We are looking for volunteers to lead these areas. If you have any interest, please contact Pastor John Click on the links below to find out more information: