September 28, 2021 EFFECTIVENESS honors God and Inspires People
From Pastor Roger:
The heartbeat of the church is the prayer meeting, so says Ellen White. She also says that prayer is the opening of the heart as to a friend. It’s time to be a church of prayer. It’s time to be praying for each other. It’s time to pray for those you disagree with. It’s time to pray for the community. It’s time to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to come and help prepare what is going on with evangelism, the news, and how people are responding. It’s time to go forward on our knees.
Tyler Long is coming in only 5 weeks. Please pray
That barely gives us enough time to get in and find the volunteers to run the registration table, the ushers and greeters. If you didn’t notice, this last Sabbath, there is a table in the lobby wit the sign-up pages. You’ll definitely want to peruse that table! And sign up! Tyler is an accomplished evangelist and will be an incredibly preacher. We are called to preach the good news as Adventist find it in Revelation 14. Look forward and pray for the Holy Spirit to take root in our community before this happens.
The Youth and Young Adults of our church are taking on yet another evangelistic challenge. Last spring we had them each take 1 sermon and this time, they are taking between 3-5 sermons each.
The Two seminars begin on October 22 at 6:30 pm at one of these two locations:
Healing Hope Seventh-day – 15150 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97230
From Pastor John Bryson:
A brother of one of our church members living in another country is in need of assistance to cover the expenses of health care. If you can help, please call the church office and we will put you in touch with the family.
John Bryson
Administrative Pastor
Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
(360) 696-2511
Thank you to everyone who is willing and able to abide by the current mask mandates as outlines by the state. We are doing our best to abide by the regulations we are able to follow. Please be reminded that masks to do not limit our ability to sing, to worship, to gather together as a church.
Hebrews 10:23–25 (NIV)
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Every morning a group of our members and friends gather for prayer for 30 minutes. There are two times – 6:00-6:30 or 7:00-7:30. We read for about 5 minutes from the book “Ye Shall Receive Power” a devotional book put together of writings from Ellen White. Then we pray. We have seen miracles happen, we have supported people through tough times, we have prayed over COVID related church and people issues and we have sought God to fill us with the Holy Spirit. You are invited to join us each morning by simply calling the phone number: 360-552-7004.
Monday – Wednesday – 2-4pm, Thursday 2-7pm
More hours being added soon
Email and Phone – Always available
Other times on Request
Simply call the church office if you need to make an appointment to get in, talk, or drop something off.