Join us for Church Each Saturday!!
- First Worship Service at 9:00am
- Second Worship Service at 11:15am
Church Service Live-stream:
Tune in on our WEBSITE at:
Sabbath Schools in Childrens Wing - 10:00am
Age Division Classes - 10:00am
Beginners, Kindergarten (Begins January 2023), Primary, Junior (Each in separate classrooms)
Teen/Youth - 10:00am
Come meet with us in the Sabbath School wing (last room on right)
Young Adults - 10:00am
Come meet with us in the Board Room
Craig Frantz Sabbath School Class - 10:00 am
- Meets in classroom behind the Worship Center
Larry Evans Sabbath School Class - 10:00am
- Join us in the Fireside Chapel
- OR you can still join us on our Zoom Meeting at:
Study Through the Bible - 10:00am
Led by David Gasser
- Meets in the Fellowship Center Room 1
DEAF Sabbath School Class - 10:00am
Led by Mikael Johnson and Boyd Garner
- Meets in the Fellowship Center Room 1
SPANISH Sabbath School Class - 10:00am
Led by Herald Vera
- Meets in the Fellowship Center Room 2
Study Through the Bible - 10:00am
Led by David Gasser
- Meets in the Fellowship Center Room 3
Sabbath School Class - 10:00am
Led by Ron Boggs and Rodger Moran
- Meets in the Fellowship Center Room 4
- Studying Sabbath School Lesson
Into His Word - 10:00am
Led by Terri Cruze and Katrina Burns
- Meet in the Prayer Room (first room on right in Childrens wing)
- Study topics together to grow deeper in God's word. Right now they are studying John.
Daily Prayer Calls!
6:00 Daily Prayer Call - 360-552-7004 - Every day