Thursday, August 26, 2021 Life is best when lived with a community of believers – Get in a Community Group!
From Pastor Roger… Dr. Neil Nedley is coming on September 10-11. He will be talking about Depression and Anxiety. However, you don’t need to be depressed or anxious to attend. I’ve gone through Dr. Nedley’s whole class on depression even though I’m not depressed. I highly recommend it for everyone, because in this time, he will give many tools for dealign with people and situations, and why things happen in our brains, etc. It’s well worth attending. I hope you will plan to come. If you want more information click here.
Also – we are doing our best to keep you safe in the midst of the rising virus environment. Please check our home page or email if to see if there are any changes to the current mandates for COVID-19. See below for the current guidelines.
There is lots going on this coming fall – here is a just a precursor
Kid’s Sabbath Schools restarting on September 4!!
September 10-11 – Neil Nedley
October 15 – Tyler Long begins his Prophecy Seminar here
October – Youth/Young Adult Evangelism to be held at Whipple Creek and Healing Hope Churches (Dates being decided).
Neil Nedley, M.D. is founder and medical director of the community-based and residential Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Programs™. Dr. Nedley is an award-winning practicing physician who also serves as president of Weimar Institute. He has presented and published numerous scientific studies in the medical literature and is well known as an international public speaker and teacher.He is author of Proof Positive, Depression: the Way Out, The Lost Art of Thinking, and Optimize Your Brain. He hosts the annual Emotional Intelligence Summit with global speakers and participants. He currently is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Medicine at Loma Linda University and serves on the constituency of Loma Linda University and the Corporate Board of Andrews University. Dr. Nedley and his wife Erica have four sons. He enjoys hiking in nature with his family, piloting his own aircraft, snow skiing, and listening to sacred and classical music. Nothing is as enjoyable to Dr. Nedley, however, as helping people from the depths of depression and anxiety to the pinnacle of success and fulfillment.
We are in the process of hiring a new office manager. If you, or someone you know wants to apply, simply click on the link and apply. A decision will be made some time in September. Click Here
ALSO, we are also looking for volunteers in the office to help supplement the needs int he office, if you are interested,CLICK HERE
We are looking for volunteers to lead these areas. If you have any interest, please contact Pastor John Click on the links below to find out more information:
Volunteer Coordinator(Someone to oversee that volunteers are found and involved in a
Our Youth and Young Adults will be doing two evangelistic seminars this fall. One will be at the Whipple Creek Church and the other is at the Healing Hope Church, in Gresham. These will be happening at the same time as our seminar with Tyler Long. Please pray for our kids that the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire them and continue to lead them into His calling, His work and His mission.
Tuesday – 2-7pm
Thursday – 2-7pm
More hours being added soon
Email and Phone – Always available
Other times on Request
Simply call the church office if you need to make an appointment to get in, talk, or drop something off.